Day 4. I shock myself most of the time!

I have done 4 days IN A ROW of AM exercise. Gotten up between 5 and 5:25 all 4 mornings and got in a good workout. I am feeling AWESOME!! Food has been SPOT ON with no waivering. With getting these 4 days in I know I won't have any problem getting in a 5th. There is no way I am going to slack now when the week is almost over. I have worked to hard.

We are going floating in a raft on a river on Saturday for my brother-in-laws birthday. Him and his girlfriend have done this a few years now so it seems to be a new tradition so they invited us to go along and we found childcare thanks to both J and I's wonderful parents so we get to go along.

We will be taking a cooler with healthy food choices and WATER only!!! No beer or other alcoholic beverage is going to touch this stomach. NO SIREE!!

I am debating on posting my "before" pictures on my blog. I think I might do it I am just not sure. They are of me in a sports bra and shorts so I am bearing all (well almost). I think if I post it I might be even more motivated to keep up with my eating and working out b/c I don't want to post the same looking pictures 7 weeks from now when my challenge is over with. So I think I have answered my own debate and I think I will post them. Most likely on Monday. Not sure you will want to see my chubby belly but just grin and bear it or don't look (this is your warning).


katieo said…
Good job on the 4 days in a row! It's so much easier once you've got the momentum.
Anonymous said…
I've done before pictures too, but I'm in a sports bra & undies... I thought about doing some photoshop shorts and posting them whenever I lose these jelly legs and belly...
GClef1970 said…
Thanks for stopping by my blog and letting me know about you! Looks like we are alike in more ways than a PB&J pre-run. :-)

Looking forward to following your journey and I'm glad to have another marathon supporter in my corner!
Ally Wasmund said…
Great work!!!

yes, I agree, those 'before' shots are excellent motivation. I say go for it!

Which reminds me, I gotta take an update shot and get all of my 'before' pics in my blog...
Therese said…
Awesome job!!! It's becomes so easy to eat healthy when we are working out and feeling good. It just stinks that the also works the other way around...

Have fun rafting!
Anonymous said…
Good Informative Post! A calorie is a unit of energy that is associated with food and drink and is a measure of the energy, or heat, that food produces as your body uses it as fuel.

Calories to human beings are like gasoline to cars. Your car will not run without gas and you will not function without calories. Life would be a lot simpler if we, like cars, had a fuel gauge; unfortunately, we do not. We also, unlike cars, can fill ourselves up with more calories than we can use in a day. Those extra calories we do not need we store on our bodies as fat.

Our bodies burn the calories through metabolic processes, by which enzymes break the carbohydrates into glucose and other sugars, the fats into glycerol and fatty acids and the proteins into amino acids.

Burn Calories for Losing Weight

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