I weigh less than my MOM!!!

So last night I was having dinner with my parents and for some reason Chloe said "Mom, tell them how much you weigh." (still not sure why she brought this up, maybe b/c when I got into the 130's I was doing the happy dance around the house exclaiming, 130's, 130's, 130's). That girl doesn't forget anything.

Anyway so I said "I weigh 139.6!!! My Mom said with a smile "Dawn, you weigh less than me". I almost did the happy dance around the restaurant but I refrained.

You would only know what a big accomplishment this is if you knew my Mom and her petite body. She has never struggled with her weight only b/c she has typically eaten healthy and home grown foods and she doesn't eat big portions, she never has and she is very active working out side and such.

My Mom is the Mom who has always had an average weight of 125 (she is 5'4") and when she was pregnant with me, 9 months pregnant with me I might add, she weighed 127. YES, I just said when she was NINE MONTHS PREGNANT she weighed 127 pounds. She was one of those that was so tiny and had the basketball in the front. Now I only weighed 5 pounds 8 oz. so I was tiny but still. When she left the hospital after having me she weighed a measely 107 pounds. Yes, 107 people!

So anyway, my Mom actually now weighs 143. The most she has ever weighed. 6 years ago she retired and since then she has put on about 20 pounds. One reason I think is b/c she isn't on a regular schedule and she is eating a little more than before by snacking and she is having issues with her thyroid which I think is affecting her weight. She is still very active though gardening and chasing my kids around. I have been giving her food recommendations and she is making some changes plus she just started a work out thing where she lifts weights 2 times a week.

My point is that my Mom is bigger than she has been although she is still rather small, BUT I AM SMALLER!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! I like to give her a hard time about it now and she takes it very well. She is VERY PROUD OF ME since I have struggled with it in the past. There is nothing more than she wants for her daughter to be smaller than her.

She calls me "Skinny butt".... AND I LOVE IT!!!


Patience said…
My mom and sister are both uber skinny and then there is me. I am not fat by any means, but I watch what I eat, work out and still feel like a fat ass around them. I now weigh less then my mom. Woot! Woot! My sister is another story she weighs 98 pounds so no ma'am I won't be going there.
cerina said…
Hardwork equals amazing results, good for you, I love "Skinny Butt" ... :D
Becca said…
That is awesome Dawn!! Bet you never in your life thought you would be smaller than her, huH? Congrats on a job well done. I can't wait to see what the report are this weekend. :)
Anonymous said…
Congrats girl! :)
Anonymous said…
I can completely relate to that. My mom was a size 4 to 6 my whole life growing up. When I lost the weight a couple years ago and was smaller than her (she's a 12 now) it was great. I didn't tell her that, but it was an awesome feeling.

Now...I need to work back to that!!
Brandi said…
Congrats girl! You are definitely on track!! Keep up all the hard work!
Lindsay said…
That is so awesome Dawn! YAYAYAYAY!

I'd love to be skinnier than my mom too. She's an inch taller than me and weighs 25 less! She deserves it though, she eats right and exercises.

But I would so be doing the happy dance too if I were in your shoes. WTG!!!
The Lewis's said…
Oh wow Dawn that is wonderful! I know how much that means to you! Way to go!
i am Susan said…
Awesome job "skinny butt". There is nothing better than knowing that your parents are proud of you.

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