What's next?

Now that I have completed a marathon and bikini competition you might be wondering what is next on the "bucket list" so to speak. Would you believe me if I told you it is to expand our family and have a third baby? Well, it is TRUE!! That is what we want to do.

We decided long ago that we wanted 3 kids if it was meant to work out that way for us. We now have 2 girls so it is time to get started on the 3rd to see if we are meant to be the parents of 3 children.

Just to answer a few questions that you might be wondering about:

1) Are we trying for a boy? The answer is NO! We are trying for a baby. We would LOVE to have a boy obviously since we don't have one. What a treat that would be for us. We would also LOVE to have a third girl. What a special thing that would be to have three sweet girls. My husband is in a family with 2 other boys and when they get together which is often they just automatically revert back to childhood. It is the strangest and neatest thing to watch them interact and they are SO MUCH alike yet so different.

2) Are you sure you want to get pregnant after you have worked so hard to lose the fat? The answer is YES! It's just fat, it comes with the territory and if you are mindful you can limit it. Whatever I gain I will lose in time. I am not going to let the weight gain keep me from having another baby. Having a baby is just too big of a priority for me to let some additional weight get in the way.

3) When? Let's just say we are no longer preventing it BUT we aren't trying real hard over the next couple of months. I am hoping to settle in and find my happy weight over the next 6-8 weeks before we really start trying but if we were to get pregnant between now and then which I know can happen b/c it happened with my 2nd daugher (pregnant the first month) then we would not be sad. After 2 months have passed though then it is serious business in the baby making department and we will just see what happens. We were very blessed with getting pregnant quickly with our first two so we will see if we have the same luck with the 3rd. If for some reason we aren't able to we will just be grateful for the two we have and figure we were meant to have two and be fine with it.

In the mean time I will continue to find my balance with food and keep up with the exercise though. By the way I have NOT weighed. I have no idea what I am at currently. I am thinking between 135-140 which I am fine with. I don't have a set number that I want to be. Just want to feel good about the food I am putting in my mouth and the clothes I am wearing and the way I look in the mirror. The scale will fall where it will.


how exciting! congrats!
Anonymous said…
That is so exciting Dawn!! I always wanted three too!! Good Luck and Have fun..
i am Susan said…
Wow that is really big news and not really what I expected to read after reading your title "what's next?" I guess since you have been on the fitness train for awhile I kind of anticipated another fitness type goal. Never-the-less I hope everything works out for you and that you are able to have a 3rd baby...Wishing you only the best!!
Anonymous said…
Start taking pre-natal vitamins if you don't already. You may still have a tendancy to cut back on foods and portions etc since that was your eating routine for a while so you need to be absolutely sure you have enough folic acid etc if you are even remotely attempting to conceive a child to reduce birth defects. Good luck and stay fit!!!
Brandi said…
Good luck girl! Very exciting! Hopefully you won't have any trouble!
HEAB said…
Wow, what a story you have to share. Amazing transformation and photos. You look amazing!!! Thanks so much for your kind comment on my blog, and best of luck with baby #3! :)
That is awesome, Dawn, that you are thinking of expanding your family!!! God bless you and your family and His path for you in this miraculous endeavor! :)


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