Back in the game!
Well, I am back in the game. I did my upper body strength training before bed last night. My sweet husband said he was proud of me. That made me feel good. I mean I could SO easily go to bed but NO, I did my workout. I really want to get up in the AM and get it over with but I haven't been making myself so if I don't then at night before bed is when I must do it. I told my husband that I didn't have a choice that I have already signed up for the St. Jude half marathon and I will NOT be un-prepared so if this is what I have to do at 10 PM at night then that is what I have to do. I will do another 3 mile run tonight then I will take a DOR on Thursday then I will do my long run of 7-8 miles either Friday or Saturday, not sure yet. I would love to get it done on Friday so maybe I can work that out. If was crazy ambitious I could get up around 5:30 AM and do it b/c I don't have to leave the houes until 8:15 to take the girls to school. That probably won't happen though but in a perfect world that is when I would do it. It will probalby take place Saturday afternoon/evening. I will let you know though after it is complete. After I get in my 4 workouts this week that will be about as much as I have done over the last 5 weeks. I know, I was bad but not any longer. I AM BACK!