Long weekend and Kettlebell training!

YEA!! It is Memorial Weekend already. I love Mondays off. We have lots of work to be done around our house so that is our main focus this weekend. We are still considering selling our house so we are cleaning it up and making small repairs to get it ready to put it on the market.

We started a yard sale with our neighbors yesterday and we have made $200 so far. WOOT WOOT!! I am thrilled with that and just thrilled to get rid of the stuff and make some extra money to boot. It is going on today and tomorrow so maybe we will get rid of some more stuff. What we don't get rid of is going somewhere but NOT back in our house.

My exercise has been almost non existent this week. Which is totally fine. Some times life really does get in the way and I have been working hard cleaning out and pricing and such to get ready for the yard sale so that means busy evenings and late nights. I have exercised one time and then I am going to the kettlebell class tomorrow from 12-3. So I have done some stuff and I by no means have been sitting on the couch this week at all. In fact, I just realized I didn't watch any TV at all this week. Not even Dancing with the Stars or American Idol. Speaking of American Idol the winner is from Arkansas about 2 hours from me. YEAH!!!!! Doing our state proud. His wife was homecoming queen at the University of Arkansas where I work 2 years ago too so I am even more thrilled with his win b/c of that.

Christina, kettlebells are these:

It is basically another form of strength training. Similar to a dumbell but shaped differently and you do different types of exercises with it. I have heard it can really stoke some calories b/c you do a lot of body weight type exercises but add in these weights and b/c of their shape and such you can do different things easier than you can with a dumbell. Just another way to make work outs fun and different. I will give you the details and my thoughs on it on Tuesday.

Have a great long weekend and don't pig out unless the food is worth it.


Becca said…
I know that kettlebells are getting really popular again, though I've never tried them. I didn't know they had classes, I'll have to look into that!

Hey, a week off excercise is a good thing sometimes - life needs to be lived, too!! As long as food stays on track, you won't gain and that's all that matters for a week, right?

Keep up the good work and have a lovely and safe memorial day weekend.
Christina said…
Thanks for the information on kettlebells!! I've never heard about those before, but it sounds like it would be a really great workout. I'll have to check with my trainer and see if he has any ideas for me!! You ROCK!!!

Good luck ont he rest of your yard sale this weekend. Sounds like your doing great so far! Have a wonderful memorial weekend!
Christina said…
Thanks for the information on kettlebells!! I've never heard about those before, but it sounds like it would be a really great workout. I'll have to check with my trainer and see if he has any ideas for me!! You ROCK!!!

Good luck ont he rest of your yard sale this weekend. Sounds like your doing great so far! Have a wonderful memorial weekend!

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