I had a GREAT food day yesterday. First, I had some friends that wanted me to go to lunch and when I go to this place I get a mini thin cheese pizza and a salad from the salad bar. I typically eat that on weeks that I spread my spulrge meal out and consider that part of it. I had brought my lunch yesterday though (a SBD pizza in fact) so I decided I better just eat it and I DID! Yesterday was my Mom's birthday and one of her favorite places to eat is a pasta place so we went there and I DID NOT EAT!! I figured I could eat tuna when I got home and that is what I did. I just sat and visited. Then when we got home I made my tuna and my daughters wanted some cake that my Mom's cousin had brought her so I get it out of the fridge, italian creme cake, and I cut them each a small slice and I DID NOT EAT ANY!! I was slightly tempted at that point b/c it smelled and looked so good and it has nuts in it and I love nuts but I passed it up. I just kept thinking "eating this will not get me to my goals" and I walked away from it. It felt so good and another reminder that FOOD DOES NOT RULE ME!
today's food:
B - egg, egg white and some cheese omelet
S - 15 almonds, protein shake
L - chicken fajita salad and no chips
S - 100 cal pack kettle popcorn, protein shake
D - grilled chicken, steamed broc and cauliflower
today's food:
B - egg, egg white and some cheese omelet
S - 15 almonds, protein shake
L - chicken fajita salad and no chips
S - 100 cal pack kettle popcorn, protein shake
D - grilled chicken, steamed broc and cauliflower