Tiredness continues

My girls are sick today so I am taking care of them. They were both up last night with fevers so J and I were up with them. I hope they get better soon. I can't wait for them to take a nap so I can too. Two sick kids is not a good combination. Oh well, this too shall pass.

I haven't gotten in my other 3 mile run. Not sure if I am going to get it in. I am still planning to do my 10 miles on Sunday most likely. I hope I get some rest between now and then. The thought of running right now while I am exhausted is not sounding good at all. Maybe the next couple of nights I can go to bed as soon as the girls to do catch some z's. Of course the time changes on Saturday night so then we lose an hour. What great timing. That is all I need.

I am done complaining. Off to take care of my babies.


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